Sunday, April 6, 2008

All Wong Kar-Wai'd out

Days ago, I read in New York magazine that Wong Kar Wai was in New York on Wed for a special lecture and screening of his first English-language feature film, My Blueberry Nights. I thought about going there but indecisiveness got in the way. Besides, the event was more than likely sold out, seeing that Ang Lee was going to introduce Wong Kar Wai (some cinephiles’ wet dream?).

Anyway, while reading The Moment, a nytimes lifestyle blog (is it me or is the nytimes obsessed with blogs? There are three blogs for the Dining & Wine section!) this morning, I came across Kanye West’s blog! Haha. The blog is interesting, mostly pictures of crazy-expensive designer shit, stuff he is working on, and viral videos. He also has extremely very well produced “Graduation Album Listening Experience Videos,” which takes clips from movies and sets them to songs on the Graduation album. One of the screen shots caught my eye because it was Carina Lau Kar-ling in the robot costume from Wong Kar-Wai's 2046! The song is called “Flashing Lights,” and works well with the movie because the electric beat mimics the sounds trains make when they’re chugging along on the rails. I know I’ve done my fair share of bitching about the Hollywoodization of non-Hollywood movies but in this case, it might just work. Judge for yourself:


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