Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Free Tibet: Do You Know What That Motherfucking Means?!

Not surprisingly, the Olympic Torch Relay has met with much controversy and protest. Thousands of people in London, Paris, San Francisco demonstrated against China, calling for the freedom of Tibet.

Blah blah blah.

Ugh what makes these Tibetans so special? What about the other peoples suffering in China? And why China? What about your own countries? Parisians, didn’t you have massive riots in 2005? Don’t your people want to practice their religion openly too? Shouldn’t you let people wear heads carves if they wanted to? Americans, what about your “civil rights” problems? Did we forget Gitmo? How about the unfair treatment of minorities, immigrants? Ughh!

Watching the coverage of the protests made me slightly angry and curious. What is the majority of protesters demonstrating against? Q: “Free Tibet” from what? A: general “oppression.”

It’s like people are demonstrating for the sake of demonstrating. “Hey Richard Gere, look at me! I want to free Tibet too! I'm cool! Yeah! Fuck China! I’m so righteous!.... be my friend.”

I’m not trying to defend China’s handling of the Tibet issue, but really it’s an internal matter that should be left for the Chinese to figure out. Tibet isn’t something that was newly conquered, it was in the Chinese borders for hundreds of years; Peter C. Perdue’s China Marches West chronicles in obsessive detail the steps China took in expanding it’s borders during the beginning of the Qing Dynasty (read: 1616 –1911). It’s like everyone ganging up against Canada for not letting the French Canadians become their own country. I hate how the developed world has the need to “help” less developed countries with their “road to democracy.” Wtf man. You can’t really just force Democracy (with a capital “D”) on to a people who don’t understand the merits of democracy (with a lower case “d”).

Ughh. I hope this “Free Tibet” bullshit dies down in Argentina. I don’t want this to be the running topic of this blog. Well most importantly, I don’t want it to be the theme of the 2008 Olympics. Aren’t the Games supposed to be for celebrating humanity and camaraderie? I feel bad for the Torch relayers. They must have been so excited to be selected for the run. What was supposed to be a celebration of their accomplishment has been marred by negative political messages. And also what about the athletes? Why should their thunder be stolen? I heard that Hillary Clinton suggested boycotting the opening ceremony in protest. What? Why not just boycott the games in general? Why just the opening? What? Does she not like Zhang Yimou productions? Whatevs.

Oh and omg: The Dalai Lama: What Richard Gere Won't Tell You

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