Tuesday, October 14, 2008

On the Subject of Flirting

I've been considering lately the boundaries of flirtation, and I'd say that it isn't something that can be defined by any one agony aunt. So, I'd forget about them columnists... what are friends for anyhow if we went to them for questions like this?

IMO, the boundaries of flirtation should be fixed by the couple that are in the relationship. Nobody outside of the relationship can be considered fully aware of what is going on within the relationship, whether it's on the rocks, open, closed, polyamorous etc so it's really up to the person with the ball and the chain around her foot to accept or resist flirtation.

Honestly, it's terribly easy to reject flirtatious advances. I wouldn't ever admit the minor quibble that the third (or fourth or fifth or sixth, depending on the structure of the ongoing romantic relationship(s) ) party is somehow culpable for 100% of any infidelity on the tied-up person's part. The only way flirting works is if the other person flirts back. If the other person doesn't flirt back, it doesn't constitute flirting in any solid , concrete sense.

In current metropolitan society, there isn't a completely clear "taken" or "free" sign, even if people are wearing wedding rings. I'd say, forget about the guilt. Men love being flirted with just for the heck of it, so it likely meant nothing. There might be a question of loyalty here... but I'd say that, as long as the flirtation wasn't constant and ongoing, I'd say, forgive yourself, we're all only human, everybody flirts.

It's rather fun, after all.

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