PMS for example: if we require men to cease patronizing us about it every time we get into a little snit about something, we need to step forward and accept that men can't help loving visual stimulation. Why make your honey ashamed of something that gives him so much pleasure? I believe a fig leaf can be taken from the books of swingers and polyamorists in this regard: the majority of women whose partners enjoy porn should learn to feel compersion.
Respect is a variable and personal concept, and lest I step into any pats of poo down that path, I won't go down there attempting to define it. (Wikipedia can weather the poo on my behalf.) But I do stand by respecting male biology if the vice versa were also true. If my honey doesn't think less of me when I grumble and bitch before and during my period, then I can't think less of him when I catch him hunched over a copy of Double Stuffed. I think chivalry exists for women too, and this is one way I think that women can be chivalrous. Not making guys pay for all the dates is chivalrous as well, IMO, but that's whole 'nother kettle of cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates.
Is pornography disrespectful? And how is it different from boob oggling in real life? Chivalry for women: does it exist?
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