Thursday, April 17, 2008

Uhh what??

Uh.. I just read this on Color highlighting done by me.

"The minimalist composer Philip Glass, who wrote music for both the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and the 2004 Athens Games, isn’t looking forward to the competitions in Beijing. “I think that we should pull out,” the noted Tibet supporter said at the BAM Spring Gala honoring Paul Simon, on April 9. “The Chinese are supposed to be taking care of human rights; they haven’t done it. The only reason we don’t pull out is that people are more interested in money than they are in human rights. I think the Olympic Committee should really pull the plug on it.” His anger at the Chinese government extends beyond human-rights issues. “Basically, the Chinese commies have been isolated for 50 years; they have no idea what the rest of the world is like. They think that we’re just another province of China and that they can do what they damn well want to. And they’re a bunch of losers. They make a distinction: As long as you’re not political, you can do whatever you want in China. But politics is about the way we live! They’re drawing the line on the very things that matter to us most.”"

What? Where is he getting these facts from? Cold War history books? Perhaps he is the loser who has been isolated for 50 years and has no idea what the rest of the world is like. Ugh, I hate these gross generalizations from public figures. We should boycott his movie soundtracks, you know really pull the plug on it.


Anonymous said...

Hey gals! It's really refreshing to hear your thoughts on the whole Tibet thing, because I'm totally with you on it. In NYC, as I think Pilar knows and that's why she's going crazy about this, there is absolutely no one voicing a Chinese perspective. Or not even Chinese, but ANYTHING other than the perspective that "China is violating Tibet's rights and people all over the world are uniting in protest."

I'm not saying China isn't violating Tibet's rights, it totally is. But how DARE any other country say they're going to boycott the goddamn Olympics because of it? Are they trying to say that there have been no human rights violations in any other country the Olympics have been hosted in? AS IF! The Olympics have been held in the US of frickin' A. Need I say more?

It's totally ridiculous. And anyway, if you were going to boycott China to force the government to change its policies on something, than it should about motherf***ing Sudan, not Tibet.

Sorry for ranting!!! Loretta, I blame you for luring me over here with the promise of political discourse, LOL.

Keep writing!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and this is Carolyn (above) btw. You really need to authorize anonymous posting on your blog.