Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pointless frustration

I live in a pretty whitewashed neighbourhood: Sai Kung. There are more eurasian kids per chinese kid here than anywhere else in Hong Kong. There are also more awesome bakeries here than anywhere in Hong Kong, in Sai Kung Town, there are at least 8 bakeries, and the town could not be more than 7 blocks squared.

But, there are two things that I find that I could do without.

1. Chavs. Young white boys in hoodies yelling at me from under the bridge, from the back of the bus, from the corner of the town square. Srsly. You are never gonna get a rise out of me, ever. Except while venting on my blog of course.

2. Rude Americans. Was at the gym today, and overheard this fat American woman complain about Repulse Bay being called Repulse Bay. Said she couldn't imagine why one would name a bay that. It took me about one and a half seconds to imagine why it would be called that, and I was right - I wikied it afterwards. For a person coming from a country with the biggest navy on the planet, you Mrs, you are very unimaginative indeed.

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