Monday, March 10, 2008

Friendship Chemistry

This is the third blog that I've started in as many years, because although I LOVELOVELOVE checking in at my favorite blogsites every time I'm on the internet, and think that they're like, like, like COLUMNS but BETTER, I worry that the whole concept of having an online diary is a little too hubristic.

Self-consciousness aside, I had the thought that a rant may not be the most auspicious beginning to this, our blog, and wanted to introduce you all to my friend Pilar, by telling y'all how we met...

The short story is that we took Chinese class together in the second semester of our Sophomore year (natural alliteration! It doesn't happen often, it's like, penguins in your soup or something...) I'd bore you with the long story, but everyone knows there's such thing as friendship chemistry, so I'd like to say something about how my (non-sexual) crush on Pilar started out.

The true romance of our friendship began in Hong Kong, actually, when I fell asleep on an evening I was supposed to take her out partying in LanKwai, and she forgave me for it. It was unforgivable on my part because she was only in Hong Kong for about a week, and everyone knows that you have to squeeze every last minute of joy out of short trips, in order to placate yourself when you look at your bank account statement when you get home. That she let me sleep is true selflessness. She even gave me this purple scarf she bought during her other Chinese travels despite my callous succumbance to lethargy. Pilar is a SAINT I tell you!!!!! When I'm an wearing my Cardinal reds I'll be the first one to vote for her (they do vote, don't they?) canonization.

The rest is recent history. :) (actually, I shit myself when I use that phrase, because I don't really know what that means. What does "the rest is history" actually mean? Technically, everything that happened is history, but why does it feel right to point out that obvious absurdity / absurd obviousness right about now?)

1 comment:

She who Dives! said...

Hey lotto! Interesting Blog. Looking forward to reading a bit more of it as you get going! xox, Katherine