Friday, May 2, 2008

Hong Kong TVB Journalists

I've wanted to be angry about this in this blog for about a month now, and I apologize for the massive delay - it's a news-related item dating back to April 8th, when the Olypic Torch arrived in Paris for one leg of it's international relay marathon.

TVB has created this documentary called (rough translation) "Broadcasting the Olympic Flame" which is a bit of a travel program dedicated to introducing the places that the torch visits as well as broadcasting the relay torch run itself. After watching the above linked episode (PLEASE note the episode "Paris Part 1" at about minute number 3 of the clip) I wanted to throw about ten empty water bottles at the TV (so as to make a loud noise to vent my anger, but not actually destroy the TV, or more likely, the wall surrounding the TV, I'm awful at darts and archery).

WHY WHY WHY are these journalists who REPRESENT HONG KONG speaking ENGLISH in FRANCE to FRENCH POLICE OFFICERS??? My father gets pissed of when I claim that there is a lack of intellectual spirit in Hong Kong, that I dislike how we're rather uncultured and rude (just like I hear some Americans complain about other Americans...there are so many comedic films and cartoons about how silly Americans look and sound) and I'd much rather live in New York or London, but honestly, this is too much. This is simply dangerous to my blood pressure.

The journalist in the documentary is trying to get closer so that the cameraman can film him running alongside the Olympic flame, I presume. There are black suited, black bereted police officers lining the street on either side of the torch bearer to discourage any violent disruptions. The Hong Kong journalist says "Hey, easy! Easy!" in ENGLISH to the FRENCH POLICE OFFICER when they to to push and force him back onto the sidewalk. He then tries to explain himself, saying "We're just the press, we're press!" To the police officer, again in English, who makes it clear that he's not going to put up with any more bullshit.

WHAT THE FUUUUUCCCK!!!!???? IF YOU ARE A JOURNALIST IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY, CAN'T YOU AT LEAST LEARN HOW TO SAY "WE ARE PRESS" IN THE LOCAL LANGUAGE, AS A MARK OF RESPECT??? Bloody hell, everyone knows how proud and touchy the French are about their language and their culture, what were they thinking when TVB sent these two IDIOTS to Paris? I do NOT think it's too hard to learn two or three sentences in another language so you don't look like you're barging into someone else's country and expecting them to pander to you. It's your duty as a tourist to be respectful of the locals, and even more so if you're a journalist.


pilar said...

uhhh yeah. that's what happened when the Americans invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. They didn't have enough people who spoke the native language. I guess they didn't realize that Anti-American brainwashing did not include English lessons.

pilar said...

Also, from my experience watching TVB soaps, throwing in random English phrases is "cool," upgrading the show's classiness/dorkiness.

It's like when Italian/French/Spanish, etc. restaurants have their menus in their respective cuisine's language, to try to show off their "authenticity"

Anonymous said...